Read the latest Weber River fishing reports here. Our fishing reports include an overview of the fishing, the latest flows, general rating of the fishing, the current hatches that we have encountered, the best techniques that are producing and the most productive times of day. Below you will find a list with the latest Weber River fishing reports. The most recent fishing report is at the top and includes older fishing reports below the most recent reports so that you can see how the fishing has been in previous weeks and months. If you don’t see what you are looking for and want the most current information on conditions and what is happening on the Weber River, give us a call at the shop 1-435-658-1166 or contact us here. You can also learn more about the Weber River fishery here.
Weber River
No Change Here. The Weber River is at a very low flow right now. We recommend finding somewhere else to fish like the Middle or Lower Provo to give those trout a break. Check out our other fishing reports to see whats working in the area.
Latest Flows
~24 cfs below Rockport Reservoir
Current Hatches
Best Time Of Day
View archived Weber river fishing reports here.
Weber River
The Weber River is at a very low flow right now. We recommend finding somewhere else to fish like the Middle or Lower Provo to give those trout a break. Check out our other fishing reports to see whats working in the area.
Latest Flows
~24 cfs below Rockport Reservoir
Current Hatches
Best Time Of Day
Photo Credit: Max Fortney (TB2 Guide)
View archived Weber river fishing reports here.

Weber River
The Weber River is flowing at ~190 cfs out of Rockport Dam. This a lower flow, and the moss is in the river. This can make fishing difficult, and you will have to clean off your flies every couple of drifts. If you decide to give it a shot try nymphing your typical sow bugs, tiny midges, and san juans. The current hatches are midges, caddis, and baetis.
Latest Flows
~200 cfs below Rockport Reservoir
Current Hatches
Midges, Caddis, Baetis
Best Techniques:
Sow Bugs (#14-18), Juju Baetis (#20-24), Midge Emergers (#22-26), Caddis Pupa (#16-20)
Best Time Of Day
10 AM to 6PM
Photo Credit: Max Fortney (TB2 Guide)
View archived Weber river fishing reports here.

Weber River
The Weber is still flowing at 200 cfs. There are caddis, PMDs, and midges. The fishing is “slow” until the early afternoon PMD hatch. Try fishing PMD nymphs before, during, and after the hatch. It may be time to start throwing some hoppers as well.
Latest Flows
~200 cfs below Rockport Reservoir
Current Hatches
Midges, Caddis, PMD, Hoppers
Best Techniques:
Bigger sows 12-16, Split Case PMD size 18-20, BH Magic fly size 18-20, tiny midges
Best Time Of Day
10 AM to 6PM
View archived Weber river fishing reports here.

Weber River
The Weber is still flowing at 200 cfs. There are caddis, PMDs, and midges. The fishing is “slow” until the early afternoon PMD hatch. Try fishing PMD nymphs before, during, and after the hatch.
Latest Flows
~200 cfs below Rockport Reservoir
Current Hatches
Midges, Caddis, PMD
Best Techniques:
Bigger sows 12-16, Split Case PMD size 18-20, BH Magic fly size 18-20, tiny midges
Best Time Of Day
10 AM to 6PM
View archived Weber river fishing reports here.