Green River Fishing Report 01/23/2018
Green River Below Flaming Gorge Dam
The fishing on the Green has been good, we had a long period of above average temperatures but now the weather has turned cold. The river flows have been up around 2800 cfs. and steady at that level which has made the usual winter streamer fishing a little less effective. That being said the midges and some Baetis have been hatching pretty well especially on section B. Section A has been better on streamers than section B which is unusual but this steady higher flow is also out of the norm for winter. The hot tip has been fishing dries on section B on days that are not too windy. Streamers are better on sink tips and if you can change the tip around work a type 8 on upper A and type 6 lower A and B. The hatches are happening best around mid day midges first and then some Baetis are out too.
Latest Flows
2800 CFS.
Current Hatches
Baetis(BWO) Midges
Best Techniques
Streamer fishing Dry fly fishing
Best Time Of Day
Mid day to dusk