
Middle Provo River


The Middle Provo is flowing at ~145 cfs. We are getting close to the standard winter season flow. The brown trout are currently getting ready for their spawn, so be cautious about where you wade, cross, and fish the river to avoid destroying spawning redds.

The fishing is good if you can withstand the cold weather.  Dry fly fishing might not be the most productive, but occasionally there will be a midge hatch and some BWOs. Nymphing, as always, will likely be your most productive method.

Latest Flows

Dam: ~145 cfs

Charleston: ~165 cfs



Current Hatches



Best Patterns

Nymphs size 20 and smaller

Bling Midge, Zebra Midge, Sow Bugs, BWO emergers

Dries size 18-24

Mother Shucker, Griffiths Gnat, CDC midge, Parachute Adams, Brooks Sprout Baetis


Wooly Buggers

Best Time Of Day

11AM – 3 PM

PC: Kip Dakil

View archived provo river fishing reports here.