Lower Provo River
The flow on the Lower Provo is around 580 CFS. This makes wade fishing a little bit more difficult. With the higher flows, nymphing is the most productive way to fish the Lower Provo right now. Midges are hatching in the morning and evenings and some PMDs are beginning to come off later in the day. Sow bugs in smaller sizes are also working.
Recent Flows
580 CFS
Current Hatches
Midges and some PMDs.
Best Techniques
Nymphs: Size 18-22
Sow bugs, bling midge, disco midge, juju midge, krystal flash PMD, split case PMD, mayhem emerger, San Juan Worm
Dry flies: Size 18-24
PMDs, Trailing Shuck PMD, Winger PMD, CDC biot comparadun, Hanging Midge, Silvey’s midge, cluster Midge, Para Adams (small sizes)
Streamers : Size 4-12
Zonker, wooly bugger, sculpzilla, sparkle minnow, baby sex-dungeon, slump buster,
Best Time Of Day
For streamers early and late in the day
8 AM – Dark